梅花樁  |  Shaolin Poles Lion Dance

    Shaolin poles consist of many high metal poles and lion jumps on these poles as a performance. It is very exciting and powerful show.

    郭氏功夫 X LEDance  |  KWOK's Kung Fu X LEDance

    Kwok's Kung Fu X LEDance jointly creates traditional culture, innovation and change, and technology sound effects to create a brand new lion dance performance!

    地獅 / 傳統獅  |  Traditional South Lion Dance

    Traditional lion dance focuses on the shape of lion and emotions including happiness, anger, grief and fright. Different performances like green trencher, drunk lion, bridge and lion, and lions dance show mean good luck in the future.

    一柱擎天高青竹  |  High Green-Bamboo

    Lion dancer climbs 15-feet high bamboo and makes a performance on the top of it. Various wonderful movements mean that everything will be better and better and this performance is extremely popular in Hong Kong.

    Hip Hop 獅  |  Hip Hop Lion Dance

    Currently, some performances are combined Chinese with Western and that means the lion dances in powerful music. We invite some professional dancers to design this creative performance and they perform with our lion dancers of our.

    LED 閃燈獅  |  LED Lion Dance

    LED lion dance is made by lion whose body has lots of LED beads and it can also perform in other performance items such as High-green bamboo and Hip Hop lion dance.

    北獅  |  North Lion Dance

    Shaolin poles consist of many high metal poles and lion jumps on these poles as a performance. It is very exciting and powerful show.

    婚宴舞獅  |  Happy Wedding Lion Dance

    A pair of lions can bring a couple with lots of happiness and hopes in the wedding.

    夜光獅  |  Luminous Lion Dance

    Luminous lion dance can be included in different performance items like traditional lion dance, Shaolin poles lion dance, High-green bamboo and Hip Hop lion dance.
Dragon & Lion Dance
Fade lighting effects
[Professional, innovative, high-quality]